Bulldozing “Racist Infrastructure.” Stock Trading Ban Gains Momentum. Super Bowl: Costs and Benefits.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16
PROGRAM # 9535 12:00 PM PT

Bulldozing “Racist Infrastructure.”

President Biden’s infrastructure plan includes money to rebuild roads, bridges, transit and broadband in communities of color and help open new economic opportunities. This week, a House committee heard ideas on how to build a 21st century infrastructure that will help grow the economy in underserved communities. The chair of the committee shares key takeaways of the hearing.

Guest: Rep. Jim Himes, Chairman, D-CT, US House Select committee on Economic Disparity, Washington, DC.

Stock Trading Ban Gains Momentum. Democratic leaders are showing support for a bill banning members of Congress from trading stocks. The bill, promoted by Senators Jon Ossoff and Mark Kelly, seeks to prevent members of Congress and their families from using privileged information to sell or buy shares in the stock market, earning large sums of money while holding public office.

Super Bowl: Costs and Benefits. Inglewood was the host of this week’s Super Bowl, the US biggest annual sporting event. Was hosting the Super Bowl worth the various costs for the Latino-majority city?

Guest: Eloy Morales, City Council Member, Inglewood, CA.

Photo: Oscar Ochoa via Unspalsh

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