Farmworker Rights: A Forum.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 8424 12:00 PM PT

Farmworker Rights: A Forum.

Farmworkers in California may be among the highest paid in the fields of the country. Still, they work long hours, in low-paid jobs, and often suffer from wage theft and work-related health problems. Recent ICE raids have worsened the situation in the fields, pushing migrants deeper into the shadows. To help bring awareness to rural communities, Radio Bilingüe is convening public forums about new protections in California for field workers and migrants. The forums celebrate the job of those who toil to put food on the table of everyone in the nation and pays tribute to farmworker champions who broke ground and made possible labor laws and protections that are enjoyed by workers nowadays. This edition features segments of the recent forums.

Guests: Attorney Chris Schneider, Regional Director, Junta de Relaciones Laborales Agrícolas de California, Visalia, CA; Juanita Chávez, Communications Coordinator, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA; Jose Luis, Operator of Farm Machinery, Madera, CA; María, Vegetable Packing House Worker, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Maria de Jesus Banks

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