Debate on Trump-AMLO Meeting.

Tuesday_673x324 12TUESDAY, JULY 7
PROGRAM # 8937 12:00 PM PT

Debate on Trump-AMLO Meeting.

Mexican President López Obrador visits the US to meet with President Trump in the first international trip of his presidency. Officially, the visit is to celebrate the first year of the new trade deal known as the USMCA as well as to thank Trump for helping Mexico during the pandemic. The meeting has sparked criticism among Mexican leaders and democratic congressmembers in the US, as it it happens during a heated election year and Trump has a history of vilifying Mexican immigrants in his campaign rhetoric. This is a report and a debate on the Trump-AMLO encounter.

Guests: Dr. Gaspar Rivera Salgado, Director, Center for Labor Research and Education, UCLA, Member, Frente Indígena Oaxaqueño Binacional, Los Angeles, CA; Rafael Muñoz, Member, National Council, MORENA Party, Los Angeles, CA; David Brooks, US Correspondent, La Jornada, New York, NY.


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