From Tandas to Bank Loans. Also, Coordinated Actions for Immigrants.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JANUARY 12
PROGRAM # 7974 12:00 PM PT

From Tandas to Bank Loans.

A conversation with the winner of a recent “genius grant,” an award given by the MacArthur Foundation to recognize creative work. José Quiñonez created an organization to help unbanked low-income immigrants to establish credit history to be able to get credit cards, take out loans, buy a car or rent an apartment. The former undocumented immigrant works with credit bureaus to get them to accept the practice of tandas or cundinas and other informal lending circles. His organization operates in 17 states and his model is being used in many communities.

Guest: Jose A. Quiñonez, MacArthur Fellow, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mission Asset Fund, San Francisco, CA

Coordinated Actions for Immigrants. Under the slogan “Here to Stay,” a broad coalition of pro-immigrant groups in seventy cities call for actions to protest plans for mass deportations and ending DACA under the incoming Trump administration. A leading organizer of the “National Day of Action” joins this conversation.

Guest: Kica Matos, Director of Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice, Center for Community Change, Spokesperson for Fair Immigration Reform Movement, New Haven, CT

Photo: Mission Asset Fund/Facebook

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