Archbishop García-Siller on Grieving Families and Gun Control. Also, Summit of the Americas.

PROGRAM # 9644 12:00 PM PT

Archbishop García-Siller on Grieving Families and Gun Control.

In this exclusive interview, the Archbishop of San Antonio, Gustavo García-Siller talks about how he is being helping families of the children and teachers killed in Uvalde deal with their pain, the outpouring of goodness and solidarity from people of diverse backgrounds, his call on politicians to stop polarizing partisanship and work on gun control, his welcome to President Biden appeal for stricter gun laws, and his hopes for deep transformations in the status quo in these rural and impoverished communities.

Guest: Mons. Gustavo García-Siller, Archbishop, Archdiocese of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.

Summit of the Americas. Leaders from most countries from around the continent today begin a week of meetings in Los Angeles for the Summit of the Americas, after the gathering was delayed for a year due to the pandemic. President Joe Biden, as the host, is expected to address the meeting and push for migration and pandemic response plans, free trade agreements, and the climate crisis. Protesting the exclusion of some heads of state, several countries are planning to boycott the summit. An analyst comment on the symbolism and the real impact of the summit, the last-minute presence of Brazilian president Bolsonaro and the struggle to get consensus, and an activist talks about the gathering outside the summit’s halls of indigenous groups from around the continent around an agenda of migrant and human rights.

Guests: David Brooks, US Correspondent, La Jornada, Mexico City; Rossana Pérez, Representative, Centro Cultural Techantit, Los Angeles, CA.


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