Climate Crisis Summit. Legalization for Farmworkers. Public Banking Law.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 8758 12:00 PM PT

Climate Crisis Summit.

Warning that the planet is burning and that we are nearing the point of no return, leaders from around the world meet in Madrid to discuss global action on climate change. In the absence of the US President, Nancy Pelosi led a high level congressional delegation from the US at the summit. Analysts comment on issues in the summit agenda, including the health impact of climate change, climate migration, climate change discrimination, green jobs, and more.

Guest: Javier Sierra, Associate Director of Communications for Latino Media, The Sierra Club, Washington, DC; (Audio Segment) Greta Thurnberg, Climate Justice Activist, Madrid, Spain.

Legalization for Farmworkers. The House of Representatives approved by an unusual bipartisan vote the Farm Work Force Modernization Act, a bill that gives undocumented farm workers the chance to get temporary and conditional stay for several years and then permanent residency, or green card. The bill includes changes to H-2A visas for guest workers and to the E-Verify program. The member of congress who presided over the roll call vote on the measure joins this program.

Guest: Rep. TJ Cox, D-CA, Washington, DC.

Public Banking Law. After California approved the Public Banking Act, the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco rushed to work on plans to launch their own banks and become the first localities in the nation to have municipal banks. The author of the bill says that what the cities and counties will save in interests and dividens could now be invested in programs of social benefit, such as parks, green areas and schools.

Guest: Miguel Santiago, Assemblyman, Los Angeles, CA.


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