El Paso-Juárez Covid-19 Crisis. Also, Food Benefits During the Pandemic.

Thursday_673x324 86THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12
PROGRAM #9086 12:00 PM PT

El Paso-Juárez Covid-19 Crisis.

This is a report from the El Paso-Juarez border area, which is reporting a dramatic record surge in coronavirus cases that are overwhelming local hospitals with patients.

Food Benefits During the Pandemic. This is a conversation with the first Latina woman appointed to lead Los Angeles County public social services. She discusses Covid-19 relief, myths and facts about the “public charge” rule and CalFresh benefits for immigrants, cash assistance for immigrants and refugees, and welfare-to-work requirements.

Guest: Antonia Jiménez, Director, Department of Public Social Services, County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Ivan Pierre Aguirre/texastribune.org

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