Eviction Crisis and Housing Rights.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23
PROGRAM # 9126 12:00 PM PST

Eviction Crisis and Housing Rights.

California’s Central Valley has been seen as a low-rent sanctuary amidst a full-fledged housing crisis. But the valley actually has the highest rates of rent-burdened tenants and the highest rates of evictions in the state and there are virtually no permanent eviction protection laws for tenants. Guest analysts give details and propose policy changes. Also, as state and federal eviction moratorium laws are coming to an end while coronavirus infections are rising, unemployment is high and families struggle to make ends meet, legislators in Sacramento introduce bills to extend the protections. This is a discussion about the renters crisis in California.

Guests: Jessica Ramírez, Tenant and Mother of Six who was Evicted, Fresno, CA; Blanca Ojeda, Community Organizer, Faith in the Valley, Fresno, CA; Edward Orozco Flores and Ana Padilla, Community and Labor Center, UC Merced, Merced, CA; State Sen. Anna Caballero, D-Salinas, Salinas, CA

Photo: Public News Service/Facebook

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