Tax Credits for Working Families. Unemployment Benefits for Undocumented Workers. Abortion Ban Bill in Florida.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 7
PROGRAM # 9553 12:00 PM PT

Tax Credits for Working Families.

The deadline for filing taxes is coming up on April 18th. Millions of working families could get billions of dollars in state and federal tax credits, but delays in filing could mean problems buying groceries, paying rent and other basic expenses. A community advocate explains the different tax credit programs, such as child tax credit payments, available to working families.

Guest: Jafet Diego, Coordinator, Free Tax Prep Assistance, United Ways of California, Pasadena, CA.

Unemployment Benefits for Undocumented Workers. While undocumented workers were hit hard by the pandemic, they had little to no access to state or federal benefits. To help these workers, a legislator in California is proposing to create a pilot program to give unemployment payments to undocumented workers who have lost their job or had their hours reduced. Only Colorado and New York have a similar plan in place.

Guest: Assemblymember Eduardo García, D-Coachella, Sacramento, CA.

Abortion Ban Bill in Florida. Republicans in the Florida Senate passed a bill that would ban doctors from performing abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The restrictive bill, now headed to the governor’s desk, is the latest in a national push by Republicans to limit access to abortion services.

Guest: Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida, Miami, FL.

Photo: IRS español via facebook

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