Coronavirus: Extra Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 11(1)TUESDAY, JULY 21
PROGRAM # 8950 11:00 AM PT

Coronavirus: Extra Edition.

Millions of workers have lost their jobs and their families are at risk of losing their homes or places to live. An advocate calls on governments to prevent a crisis of evictions and foreclosures with measures such as eviction moratorium, temporary rent freeze, forgiveness of rent and mortgage payments, dispute resolution services, and more. She also comments on the rise of incidents of harassment and violence against tenants, the extension on state protections by Gov. Newsom, and how to handle letters with eviction notices. Also, on other topic, social isolation is exacting a heavy toll on victims of domestic violence. Police report a spike of domestic abuse calls during the Covid-19 crisis. What resources do victims have? How to identify domestic violence behavior? What kind of treatment is available for victims? What can men do to identify problem of anger control and find help?

Guests: Attorney Elena Popp, Executive Director, Eviction Defense Network, Los Angeles, CA; Alejandra Valles, Treasurer, United Service Workers West, SEIU-USWW, Los Angeles, CA; Veronica Lagunas, Former Janitor, Certified Promoter, Co-Founder, “Ya Basta” Center, Los Angeles, CA; Enrique Navarro, Janitor, Counselor for Men on Machismo and Domestic Violence, Los Angles, CA.


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