Foreign Labor Contractors.


Photo: PRODESC AC via facebook

The Governor of California and the Mexican Secretary of Labor agreed to create a voluntary pilot program to protect Mexican temporary workers against abuse by unscrupulous recruiters. At the same time, in California, legislators are advancing a bill that would require foreign labor contractors to register with the state and give workers detailed information about their job.

Guests: Margie Estrada, Policy Consultant, Office of Senator Darrell Steinberg (Senate President pro Tempore), Sacramento, CA, ; Xochitl Arellano, Communications Deputy, California State Senate, Sacramento, CA, ; Rachel Micah-Jones, Founder and Executive Director, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Baltimore, MD, ; Martin Dávila, Former H2B Worker, Guadalupe, Zacatecas; Dr. José Luis Stein Velasco, Director, International Affairs Unit, Secretariat of Labor, Mexico City,

Photo: PRODESC AC via facebook

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