Fair Food Concert.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 23.
PROGRAM # 7480 12:00 PM PT

Fair Food Concert.

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers is celebrating their Fair Food movement with a grand parade and concert in St. Petersburg in Florida. Headlined by the award-winning LA-based bands La Santa Cecilia and Ozomatli, the concert celebrates the signing of a historic agreement with Wal-Mart and other recent achievements, and the first steps to prepare for spring action.

Guests: Gerardo Reyes, Co-coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers; Lupe Gonzalo, Organizer, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL; www.ciw-online.org; Ulises Bella, Member, Ozomatli, Los Angeles, CA, www.ozomatli.com.

Photo: Coalition of Immokalee Workers

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