How Will Cap-And-Trade Money Be Spent.


PROGRAM # 7944 12:00 PM PT

How Will Cap-And-Trade Money Be Spent.

California Gov. Brown recently signed in Fresno legislation to help communities most impacted by climate change and air pollution, including this city in the heart of the Central Valley. The issue now is where to spend those monies. The local mayor wants the money to be spent in the downtown business district. Advocates for the poor say the city is shortchanging residents of color and want the funds to go to West Fresno, the community most polluted by dirty air and carbon in the state. Local leaders discuss plans to spend the money and the future of the state’s cap-and-trade program.

Guests: Grecia Elenes, Policy Director, Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability, Fresno, CA; Esmeralda Soria, Councilmember, District 1, Fresno City Council, Fresno, CA


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