How to Spend Pandemic Relief Funds. Also, Bishops Oppose Gender-Affirming Care.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MARCH 30
PROGRAM # 9961 12:00 PM PT

How to Spend Pandemic Relief Funds.

Local leaders from across the country meet in Washington to discuss pressing issues in their cities and, on the second anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act, talk with federal officials about those funds. How are cities and small towns using those pandemic-relief dollars?

Bishops Oppose Gender-Affirming Care. The US Conference of Bishops released new guidance advising Catholic hospitals on how to treat “gender dysphoria” and to refuse to provide their transgender patients with gender-affirming medical care. Opponents within the Catholic church call this an attack on human rights and a threat to life, the health and well-being of transgender patients. A political analyst comments on this and on the ramifications of the recent election of conservative Archbishop Timothy Broglio as president of the USCCB on controversial matters such as abortion, marriage equality, and Covid-19 vaccine misinformation.

Photo: Marco Verch Professional Photographer via Flickr

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