School Closings. Also, New Guaranteed Income Program.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30
PROGRAM # 9577 12:00 PM PT

School Closings.

Due to Covid disruption and declining enrollment, school districts are facing a drop in funding. School districts in Oakland and Denver, areas with large Latino student populations, are moving ahead with plans to close a number of schools this year or in coming academic years. This program follow-up takes a look into the reaction from parents, students, teachers and members of those communities.

New Guaranteed Income Program. Los Angeles County begins registration for its groundbreaking Guaranteed Income program, one of the largest of its kind in the country. Under this program, selected residents will receive a monthly check for three years. With many residents living on the brink of financial crisis, with insufficient savings to cope with a job loss or a medical emergency, this guaranteed income program will help them better deal with those crises and avoid falling deeper into poverty, according to proponents.

Photo: Sin via Unsplash

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