Farmworkers, Driscoll’s Face Off.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 17.
PROGRAM # 7741 12:00 PM PT

The Pilgrimage: Fifty Years.

Original marchers meet in Delano to mark 50 years of the historic pilgrimage from Delano to Sacramento by grape strikers. The captain of the march joins this program from Delano’s “Forty Acres” camp, site of the celebration.

Guest: Roberto Bustos, March’s Captain, Delano, CA

Farmworkers, Driscoll’s Face Off. Unionized farmworkers from San Quintín, a rich agroexpo enclave in Baja California, begin a four-day march to the US border in Tijuana to mark the first anniversary of a massive labor strike when thousands of workers walked out in demand of better wages. Another farm labor group in Washington state launches at the same time a tour through the US West coast. Both are targeting multinational berry giant Driscoll’s. This is a special news coverage.

Guests: Fidel Sánchez, Spokesperson, Alianza de Organizaciones Nacional, Estatal y Municipal por la Justicia Social, San Quintín, MX; Fatima Velasquez, Member, Executive Committee, LACLAA, Sacramento, CA; Ramón Torres, president, Familias Unidas por la Justicia, Bellingham, WA.


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