Celebrating Latino Workers.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 8998 12:00 PM PT

Celebrating Latino Workers.

This is a special Labor’s Day edition. In the current campaign trail, conservative politicians are equally bashing California and Latinos, using them as a political piñata. Both the state and Latino workers and their families are being portrayed as burdensome, lawless and dirty. A renowned historian puts things in perspective. He says California is the fifth economic world power and a national donor state thanks to Latino workers and entrepreneurs. And despite the ravages of Covid, Latino immigrant workers continue sending money to their home countries in record numbers.

Guest: Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, Director, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, School of Medicine, UCLA, Author of “La Nueva California: Latinos from Pioneers to Post-Millennials,” Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: salud-america.org

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