Cleaner Cars. Also, Unemployed and Burned Out.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17
PROGRAM # 9170 12:00 PM PST

Cleaner Cars.

Environmental justice groups are calling on the Biden-Harris administration to take swift action on tailpipe pollution in communities of color. Latinos and Blacks live in neighborhoods next to highways and in “diesel death zones,” and toxic pollution from cars and trucks takes the lives of many in those communities. They propose investing in zero-emission transportation to holistically address environmental racism.

Guest: Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, Clean Transportation Advocate, GreenLatinos, New York, NY.

Unemployed and Burned Out. Millions of people across the country are out of work and many without access to relief. Families are struggling to make ends meet. A distinguished financial analyst provides financial planning advice for workers who have lost their jobs and are going through financial stress and hardship.

Guest: Louis Barajas, Certified Financial Planner, Author, Book: “Agotado, Agobiado y Mal Pagado,” Los Angeles, CA


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