Digital Divide and the New Redlining. Racism Affects Health for Generations. Armed man arrested after threatening protestors.

Thursday_673x324 12(2)THURSDAY, JUNE 4
PROGRAM # 8906 12:00 PM PT

Digital Divide and the New Redlining.

Latino households have disproportionately lacked access to home Internet and this divide is growing bigger now that more students need to be online for distance learning. The co-author of the publication “On the Wrong Side of the Digital Divide” says this digital divide follows the same blueprint as the redlining maps of the 1930s and discusses policy recommendations.

Guests: Gissela Moya, Manny García Technology Equity Fellow, The Greenlining Institute, Oakland, CA;

Racism Affects Health for Generations. Racism is a public health crisis and the diseases that racial discrimination causes in people and in entire communities are passed from generation to generation. An expert in health disparities also comments on the serious social losses caused by the lack of access to health care for Latino and Black communities.

Guest: Dr. Efrain Talamantes, Director, AltaMed Institute for Health Equity, Los Angeles, CA.

Armed man arrested after threatening protestors. A Trump supporter who threatened police brutality demonstrators with an assault rifle in San Bernardino was arrested after leaving the scene of the clash. The community reporter who recorded the video that was used to find and capture the extremist suspect gives details about the attack against hundreds of peaceful protestors.

Guest: Romualdo Sanchez, Community Reporter, Ontario, CA.


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