Extra Edition: Extra Help for Housing. Also, Extra Help for Health Care.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, APRIL 8
PROGRAM # 9220 11:00 AM PST

Extra Edition: Extra Help for Housing.

Due to job loss and financial hardships, about ten million households in the nation are behind on rent. Californians who are behind in rent and are at risk of eviction because of the pandemic can now apply for the California Rent Relief Program to help pay past due rents. Landlords and renters can now get help. The program was created by the Covid-19 Tenant Relief Act, announced as the strongest eviction protections in the nation. This is a repeat program.

Guests: Lourdes Castro Ramírez, Secretary, California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, Sacramento, CA. https://housing.ca.gov/covid_rr/index_esp.html

Extra Help for Health Care. The recently-signed American Rescue Plan includes extra financial help for millions who lost their jobs and expands access to health insurance coverage through Covered CA and ACA marketplaces during the pandemic. The plan lowers premium costs and makes health care coverage more affordable. Who will qualify for the new financial help? When to enroll? Experts comment on this and on the confirmation of Xavier Becerra as health secretary, the first Latino in history to lead that department. This interview is part of a repeat program.

Guests: Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Vice President for Health Justice for the National Partnership for Women & Families, Washington, DC; Andrea Acevedo, Spokesperson, Department of Communications of Covered California, Sacramento, CA

Photo: blogs.va.gov

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