Self-Driving Cars: Caution. Also, Basic Income for All.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7
PROGRAM # 8538 12:00 PM PT

Self-Driving Cars: Caution.

The arrival of self-driving robot cars and trucks is being praised as a tremendous technological advancement that is radically changing transportation. However, a civil rights group warns that without rules for the industry, this technological revolution will bring hell to people of color and the poor. They call for government plans that ensure reduced traffic, cleaner air, and better public transportation.

Guest: Alvaro Sánchez, Environmental Equity Director, Greenlining Institute, Co-Author of Study “Autonomous Vehicle Heaven or Hell? Creating a Transportation Revolution that Benefits All,” Oakland, CA.

Basic Income for All. Since entire employment classes, such as drivers, are being wiped out by automation, some thinkers and political leaders propose a minimum income for all without any obligation to work. The progressive mayor of the city of Stockton begins this month the program SEED, an experimental Universal Basic Income project that seeks to invest in people and communities and combat unemployment and wage stagnation. A city strategist discusses the novel idea.

Guest: Max Vargas, Senior Policy Advisor, Mayor Michael Tubbs, Stockton, CA.


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