Relief for Undocumented Families.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21
PROGRAM # 9233 12:00 PM PDT

Relief for Undocumented Families.

Legal experts talk about checks and tax relief available to immigrants in California impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic under the Golden State Stimulus Plan, and who are excluded from federal aid and are struggling to pay for food, rent, and other basic expenses. They also advise on federal money available for families with mixed immigration status. Also, an IRS spokesperson makes recommendations for taxpayers who have not filed taxes, warns about common mistakes when declaring taxes and gives tips to avoid tax fraud.

Guests: Noé Paramo, Legislative Advocate, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Modesto, CA; Clarisa Reyes-Becerra, Immigration Attorney, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Equal Justice Works Fellow, Sacramento, CA; Irma Treviño, Spokesperson, IRS, Harlingen, TX.

Photo: Fordham Alumni/Twitter

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