Tax Relief for the Poor.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 14.
PROGRAM # 7738 12:00 PM PT

Tax Relief for the Poor.

California recently joined many other states in passing a state-level Earned Income Tax Credit, a tax credit to help the working poor make ends meet. This new tax benefit, and billions in unclaimed federal money, is now available for the first year to low-income earners in California, but few know about it and many are not used to filing taxes. Advocates advise on how to apply for the new tax credits.

Guests: Celia Hernández-López, Senior Compliance Representative, Executive and Advocate Services Section, Franchise Tax Board, State of California, Sacramento, CA; Martin Rodriguez Jr, Administrative Assistant, Centro La Familia, Fresno, CA; Wilfredo Rodriguez, EITC Community Outreach Worker, Central California Legal Services, Fresno, CA.


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