Student Debt Relief in Limbo. How to Stay Insured After Covid Benefits End. Building a Climate Resilient Community.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MARCH 9
PROGRAM # 9940 12:00 PM PT

Student Debt Relief in Limbo.

The Supreme Court’s conservative majority appeared skeptical of President Biden’s plan for student loan forgiveness after hearing arguments last week. More than 16 million have been approved for relief, but the benefit has been on hold due to legal challenges from Republicans. The Court ruling is expected by summer. What were the arguments of the administration and the holes picked by the Court? What are the alternative plans for borrowers?

How to Stay Insured After Covid Benefits End. Hundreds of thousands of people in Colorado may be disenrolled from the state’s Medicaid program after the end of the national Covid-19 public health emergency declaration in May. Still, most could continue to qualify for health insurance coverage. How to stay insured?

Building a Climate Resilient Community. The warming of the planet is causing more severe weather events and the rising heat and dangerous droughts and worsening air quality can be hazardous for the human body and mind. How to protect the health of those communities that are at the highest risk of being affected by extreme heat, wildfires, flooding, drought, and poor air quality? Social leaders in Colorado have a plan.

Photo: Tim Gouw via Unsplash

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