Community Covid-19 Relief.

Wednesday_673x324(1)WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23
PROGRAM #9015 12:00 PM PT

Community Covid-19 Relief.

After the coronavirus pandemic started taking thousands of lives and destroying livelihoods by the millions, and in the absence of a federal bailout for millions, a community-based network serving low-income families set out to raise money to help households in most need to pay their bills and stay afloat. Six months later, they are distributing 100 million dollars in cash investments among 200,000 families around the country. A leading organizer explains how they get cash in the hands of those impacted the most by the crisis and the approach guiding their initiative to break the poverty cycle: anti top-down, and pro trusting people, families and communities.

Guest: Ivanna Neri, Partnership Director, Family Independence Initiative, Austin, TX. UpTogether.Org, #GiveTogetherNow.


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