Ahold USA to Buy Fair-Food Tomatoes. Conflict in Blueberry Fields.

Thursday 2_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 30.
PROGRAM # 7576 12:00 PM PT

Ahold USA to Buy Fair-Food Tomatoes.

In a landmark victory for Florida’s organized farmworkers, Ahold USA, the parent company to Stop and Shop and other supermarket chains, has signed on to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food program. This is the first major U.S. grocer to join a dozen food industry giants in partnering on this program, which requires them to buy tomatoes from growers who pass a premium to workers and agree on a code of ethics.

Guests: Gerardo Reyes, Co-coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL; Silvia Pérez, Member of Board of Directors, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL, www.ciw-online.org

Conflict in Blueberry Fields. Blueberry workers in the state of Washington have walked out three times this summer from Sakuma Bros. Farms and are calling to boycott the Sakuma label and Driscoll’s berries. At issue are new pay rates for field work and the right to collectively bargain wages. This program includes a conversation on unsuccessful efforts by the berries company to bring in guest workers under the H2A program.

Guests: Ramon Torres, President, Familias Unidas por la Justicia, Bellingham, WA; Edgar Franks, Coordinator, Civic Training, Community to Community, Bellingham, WA.

Photo: Coalition of Immokalee Workers

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