Bridging the Digital Divide.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 17.
PROGRAM # 7784 12:00 PM PT

Bridging the Digital Divide.

Low-income families may now have access to high-quality, high-speed Internet access thanks to reforms that made broadband service more affordable for millions of people. The federal government launched a series of initiatives, including ConnectALL, ConnectHome, and modernized Lifeline, a program designed to help low-income families to pay for high costs of telephone service. Advocates comment on the challenges faced by Latinos to get home-broadband, and to connect with basic services like jobs, education, and health, and the impact of the new programs on the digital divide. They also comment on the effect on Latino communities of recent mega-mergers of giant cable companies.

Guests: Robert Greenblum, Sr. Policy Advisor to Secretary Castro, US Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC; Alex Nogales, Executive Director, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Los Angeles, CA; Steven Renderos, National Organizer, The Center for Media Justice, Los Angeles, CA.


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