Women Soneras Bring Fandango from Veracruz to California

From left to right, Martha González of Quetzal and Entre Mujeres; Adriana Cao Romero, of Caña Dulce y Caña Brava; and María de la Rosa, of Diapasón. Photo: Chelis López.

From left to right, Martha González of Quetzal and Entre Mujeres; Adriana Cao Romero, of Caña Dulce y Caña Brava; and María de la Rosa, of Diapasón. Photo: Chelis López.

The 6th annual Son Jarocho Festival in San Francisco celebrated and honored the women who play son jarocho, the regional folk music of Veracruz, on the eastern coast of Mexico, with workshops and a concert by two groups from California, Diapasón, of Berkeley, and Entre Mujeres, of Los Angeles, and the Veracruz, Mexico-based group Caña Dulce y Caña Brava. In this English-language talkshow hosted by Zaidee Stavely, we explore the role of women in son jarocho, and how California women have learned from the tradition of fandango in Veracruz, brought it back to California and made it their own.

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