“Viva Chico Toledo!”.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16
PROGRAM # 8695 12:00 PM PT

“Viva Chico Toledo!”

Renowned Mexican artist Francisco Toledo, a champion of indigenous traditions, a human rights activist and a national cultural treasure, died in recent days in his native Oaxaca. This program features archival interviews with the maestro and his daughter, the poet Natalia Toledo. Francisco comments on the sources of inspiration for his traditional art work, his Zapotec Indian roots, his defense of the culture of native corn, his arts school and his vision of creating an environmentally-sustainable model town for traditional artists. His daughter Natalia reflects on the “rich creative exchange” that she achieved when working with her late father. This is a special program to commemorate Mexico’s Independence Day.

Guests: (Recorded Interviews) Maestro Francisco Toledo, Artist, Environmentalist, Activist, Philanthropist; Natalia Toledo, Poet, Francisco Toledo’s Daughter.

Photo: dmcnews.org

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