Breaking the Wine Glass Ceiling.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26.
PROGRAM # 7661 12:00 PM PT

Breaking the Wine Glass Ceiling.

Granddaughter of a Mexican Bracero guest worker and daughter of a farm laborer-turned-master winemaker, Vanessa Robledo tells the story of how she rose from working in her family’s vineyard as a child to become the president of the Robledo family wine business and later the owner of an award-winning Napa winery. In this Holiday edition, she talks about the inspiring secrets of her success, including stories about using her family’s wisdom to nurture the vines, pairing her mother’s Mexican food recipes with premium wines, and breaking through the glass ceiling in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

Guest: Vanessa Robledo, Owner, Vanessa Robledo Wine Business Consulting, Napa, CA.


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