Reunion of Pioneers of the Latino Movement. This program is a repeat.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 10
PROGRAM # 9497 12:00 PM PT

Reunion of Pioneers of the Latino Movement. This program is a repeat.

Pioneering labor and civil rights leaders Bert Corona and Josefina Fierro, organizers of the National Congress of the Spanish-Speaking People in 1938, reunite in public for the first time in decades to share memories about their trailblazing work. Around 1950, after being blacklisted and suffering persecution under McCarthysm, Fierro exiled herself in Guaymas, Mexico. Corona continued leading labor and immigrant organizing work in Los Angeles. In this conversation, originally aired on October 3, 1995, they reminisce about significant events from the 1940s, including the Sleepy Lagoon case and the Zoot Suit riots.


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