Down These Mean Streets.

Thursday_673x324 9100THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26
PROGRAM # 9100 12:00 PM PST

Down These Mean Streets.

This is a repeat of an interview originally aired on January 15, 1999, with renowned Puerto Rican poet and writer Piri Tomas. On the occasion of the publication of the Spanish translation of his book of memories “Por estas calles bravas,” Piri talked about the experience of growing up in Spanish Harlem, growing up as a Black youth amid racist prejudices, serving time for criminal activity, and rehabilitation. Piri Tomas reviewed his literary work and talked about how he uses his “street and prison experiences to help reach hard-core youth and turn them away from a life of crime”.

Guest: Piri Thomas, Poet and Writer, Author of “Down These Mean Streets,” San Francisco, CA.

Photo: Museo Biblioteca La Casa del Libro/Facebook

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