Orquesta Fandango Mixteco.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 13
PROGRAM # 8041 12:00 PM PT

Orquesta Fandango Mixteco.

This is a conversation with maestro Alejandro Vera, a recognized folk mask maker and virtuoso of the traditional chilena songs and the dances of the devils, old traditions of the Mixtec region in Southern Mexico. With his children, he leads the old-time string ensemble Orquesta Fandango Mixteco. A leading promoter of the tradition of the dance of the devils in California joins this conversation on the meaning and revival of these folk rituals.

Guests: Alejandro Vera, Master Folk Mask Sculptor, Musician and Dancer, Santiago Juxtlahuaca, México; Blanca Vera Calderón, Musician and Dancer, Santiago Juxtlahuaca, México; Alejandro Vera Calderón, Musician and Dancer, Santiago Juxtlahuaca, México; Diego Solano, Dancer, Director, Grupo Nuu Yuku, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Correo Mixteco/youtube

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