No Mouse Music. Also, Father Solalinde in the U.S.

Foto: nomousemusic.comThe new feature documentary This Ain’t No Mouse Music! tells the story of roots music luminary Chris Strachwitz, founder of independent label, Arhoolie Records. Premiering this week on the U.S. West Coast, the film includes segments of legendary accordionist Flaco Jiménez and other storied indigenous maestros whose work is threatened by commercialist pop music.

Guest: Maureen Gosling, Co-producer, Co-director, This Ain’t No Mouse Music!, Oakland, CA,

Also, Father Solalinde in the U.S. This is an interview with Mexican Catholic priest Alejandro Solalinde, a human rights champion who has been attacked by criminal gangs and officials for his advocacy on behalf of Central American migrants. Interviewed during his visit to the border in San Diego, he discusses Mexico’s crackdown on migrants, the pain he saw in Central American mothers detained in New York, the rampant trafficking of human organs, and the refugees of violence.

Guest: Father Alejandro Solalinde, Director of Shelter, Hermanos en el Camino, San Diego, CA,


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