No Latinos in Film. Also, “Invisible No More.”

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11
PROGRAM # 8444 12:00 PM PT

No Latinos in Film.

Despite being the biggest moviegoers, Latino talents and stories are largely excluded from the film industry, and, as a consequence, non Latinos end up believing the myths and stereotypes of powerful politicians who use Latinos as their favorite target. Advocates point to Paramount Pictures as the film studio with the worst record of hiring Latinos and are campaigning to get the company to sign up on a plan of inclusion.

Guest: Alex Nogales, President and Executive Director, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Los Angeles, CA.

“Invisible No More.” A new study, titled “Invisible No More,” found that despite plans made some 25 years ago, the Smithsonian Institution has failed to make real progress in opening the doors of the world’s largest museum complex to Latino leaders or to make a Latino museum a reality. A leading author of the study discusses the issue.

Guest: Daisy Vera, Researcher, Latino Policy and Politics Initiative, UCLA, Co-author, “Invisible No More,” Los Angeles, CA.


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