Black Christmas.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 26
PROGRAM # 9865 12:00 PM PT

Black Christmas.

This Holiday edition features a conversation with Afro-Peruvian singer Marina Lavalle, former vocalist for the folk group Perú Negro in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lavalle, who is a long-time promoter of Peru’s Black culture traditions, talks about the musical play “Black Christmas”, which features the birth of a Black Christ amid the rhythms of Dance of Negritos. She also talks about the end-of-year traditional Creole festivities in Peru’s Black South, in the coastal province of Cañete, when people go out to dance and sing with musical instruments such as the donkey jaw and the cajón.

Guest: Marina Lavalle, Afro-Peruvian Singer, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: Marina Lavalle via Facebook

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