Natalia Toledo. Also, Reproductive Health Crisis.


PROGRAM # 7473 12:00 PM PT

Natalia Toledo.

Mexican poet Natalia Toledo, who writes in Spanish and Zapotec, visits Los Angeles to celebrate International Women’s Day. The only woman to ever win the National Prize for Indigenous Literature in Mexico, Toledo joins other leading indigenous women in a call to migrant women to treasure their mother tongue and culture.

Guest: Natalia Toledo Paz, Poet and Writer, Los Angeles, CA.

Also, Reproductive Health Crisis. Latina groups from Texas’ Rio Grande Valley spoke publicly about a worsening reproductive health care crisis in Texas. Latinas and immigrants face a number of barriers when seeking reproductive health or family planning services. An advocate talks about the political attacks and cutbacks on women’s health care.

Guest: Ann R. DeFrates, director Texas Latina Advocacy Network (LAN) Policy & Advocacy, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Austin, TX,

Photo: World Literature Today

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