Murals of the Displaced.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 11
PROGRAM # 8583 12:00 PM PT

Murals of the Displaced.

The San Francisco Mission District, widely known for the colorful murals that adorn hundreds of walls, is rapidly losing its artistic community to gentrification. And the iconic community murals, which for decades have paid tribute to the rich history and culture of this vibrant and diverse neighborhood, are now telling stories about the new reality: artists who are being evicted and disappearing from the area. In this program, artists talk about the toll the housing crisis is taking on the cultural and artistic life in The Mission. This is an edition of a special series on community displacement, gentrification and homelessness.

Guests: Arturo Méndez, Artist, Mission District Murals Tour Guide, San Francisco, CA; Carlos Cartagena, Artist, Salvadoran Immigrant, Long-time Resident of The Mission, Displaced, Oakland, CA.

Photo: Chelis López

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