Poet Ernesto Cardenal Dies.

PROGRAM # 8826 12:00 PM PT

Poet Ernesto Cardenal Dies.

The Nicaraguan poet, revolutionary and former minister of culture Ernesto Cardenal died this month at 95. A Catholic priest and liberation theologian, Cardenal defied the Catholic Church hierarchy in the 80s. In this interview from 2014 when he visited Cuernavaca to present his book “Noventa en los Noventa,” he reminisces on his days as a student and a monk in Mexico, his revolutionary thought, and comments on human rights in Mexico. He also talks about how at a young age he learned to value the mysticism in the poetry of indigenous peoples around the continent. This program includes the recording of a poetry reading by Cardenal, including Canto Cósmico and poems on Marilyn Monroe and extraterrestrial aliens. An expert of Cardenal work introduces him.

Guests: (Recorded Interview and Poetry Reading) Ernesto Cardenal, Nicaraguan Poet and Revolutionary, Cuernavaca, MX; Jorge Bocanera, Argentinian Poet, Cuernavaca, MX.

Photo: americamagazine.org

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