Remembering Galeano. Also, Farewell to Pioneer of Latino Politics.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 13.
PROGRAM # 7498 12:00 PM PT

Remembering Galeano.

Uruguayan author and journalist Eduardo Galeano died in Montevideo at the age of 74. His best known work was “Open Veins of Latin America.” As a tribute to Galeano’s memory, this program includes fragments of his interviews. His comments range from the art of storytelling to Obama’s election, Pepe Mujica’s administration, and women rights.

Guest: Eduardo Galeano, Renowned writer, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Also, Farewell to Pioneer of Latino Politics.

Raul H. Castro made history as the first, and so far the only, Latino governor in Arizona. He passed away at the age of 98. In remembrance, we replay an interview aired in October, 2010, where he speaks about his election and his ascent to the governorship, and discusses border issues and the polarized debate on immigration.

Guest: Raul H. Castro, Former Governor of Arizona, Nogales, AZ.

Photo: / The Mex Files

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One Response to Remembering Galeano. Also, Farewell to Pioneer of Latino Politics.

  1. Luis Octavio Parada Gonzalez said: Línea Abierta es una ventana para conocer y analizar la problematica social de los latinos en norteamérica y su relación directa en todos los países latinoamericanos. Es una tribuna donde se abordan los principales problemas del momento y se proponen a los gobiernos las soluciones factibles.

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