Martha Gonzalez: Genius Award. Also, Day of the Dead.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3
PROGRAM # 9810 12:00 PM PT

Martha Gonzalez: Genius Award.

“Artivista” Martha González was awarded the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, also known as a “genius grant,” given to extraordinarily talented and creative individuals. A college professor, González is also the lead singer, songwriter and percussionist for the group Quetzal. González promotes social justice action through community dialogue, musical performance and arts education. She says she “uses art to combat racism by creating cultural bridges.”

Guest: Martha González, Musician, Scholar, Activist, Professor at Scripps College, Los Angeles, CA.

Day of the Dead. Cultural analysts reflect on this week’s festivities of the Day of the Dead, the annual tradition when people celebrate the lives of the departed, remembering family and friends through visits to the graves, offerings, songs and prayers.

Photo: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

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