
Because of poor diet, alcohol consumption and obesity, American Indians have the highest diabetes rate among all population groups in the U.S. and one of the highest rates in the world. They die at three times the rate of the general population from the disease. In response, health and cultural organizations in California -home to more American Indians than any other state- are revitalizing cultural traditions to bring urgent healing. They promote eating healthful foods from the old days, such as salmon, seaweed, berries, nuts, seeds, cactus pads, pepper; drink herbed beverages; connecting with the family and the land; and engaging in community activities. Are old traditions helping American Indians and Latinos in the battle against the worst epidemics?

Guests: Kaylena Bray, Garden Coordinator, The Cultural Conservancy, San Francisco, CA,; Nícola Wagenberg, The Cultural Conservancy, San Francisco, CA,

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