Maestro Lorenzo Trujillo.

Thursday_673x324 9135THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31
PROGRAM # 9135 12:00 PM PST

Maestro Lorenzo Trujillo.

This is a conversation with a master musician and culture bearer who comes from a family that settled northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado over four centuries ago. Denver’s Lorenzo Trujillo, a professor of music, keeps alive the folk music of his ancestors and uses his art to help youth advance to higher education and to build bridges of communication between Chicano kids and their grandparents. Trujillo talks about his lifetime dedication to promote the old Hispanic traditions of the Rio Grande.

Guest: Dr. Lorenzo Trujillo, Director of the Metropolitan State University Mariachi Ensemble and Mariachi Correcaminos, Inductee to the Colorado Chicano Hall of Fame, Denver, CO.


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