“Our Grandfathers Were Braceros…”

Foto: Alianza de Ex braceros delNorte 1942 -1964WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23
PROGRAM # 9296 12:00 PM PDT

“Our Grandfathers Were Braceros…” Survivors of the Bracero or guest worker program of the 1940s, 50s and 60s between the US and Mexico tell their stories of their experience with exploitation and racism and their current quest for compensation for the money that was held from their paychecks in savings accounts in the book “Our Grandfathers Were Braceros and We Too.” This conversation also includes the song “Abuelo, Cuéntame” from the co-author of the book.

Guest: Rosa Martha Zarate Macías, Singer, Activist and Co-Author, “Our Grandfathers Were Braceros and We Too” Book, Los Angeles, CA.

Remembering a Trobadour of the Chicano Movement. Nationally known folk singer and community educator Jesús “Chuy” Negrete, who was described as “the Chicano Woody Guthrie” by Studs Terkel, passed away in recent days. In this conversation, his sister Rosa Negrete shares memories from the 1970s and 1980s, when Chuy, influenced by the Chicano Movement, used to perform in concerts and workshops in community festivals, colleges, union demonstrations, and prisons. Chuy celebrated Mexicanos and Chicanos indigenous roots through a mix of music, poetry, oral history and theater. This program includes recordings from Chuy’s performances. 

Guest: Rosa Negrete Livieri, Singer and Sister of Chicano Movement Artist Chuy Negrete, Chicago, IL.

Photo: Alianza de Ex Braceros del Norte 1942-1964 via Facebook

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