Línea Abierta At 25: Memorable Conversations.

Barack Obama y Samuel Orozco en la Convencion Nacional Democrata del 2004 - 673MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24
PROGRAM # 8810 12:00 PM PT

Línea Abierta At 25: Memorable Conversations.

This week, Línea Abierta celebrates 25 years on the nation’s public radio airwaves. To mark this milestone, the team compiled memorable segments from Línea’s historical archives, including interviews with US Presidents, authors, scientists and other newsmakers; public forums with political leaders and citizens; and reports and comments from listeners-turned-citizen-journalists.

Photo: Radio bilingue

For more information about Linea Abierta click here

To visit Linea Abierta audio archives go to archivosderb.org

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