Librotraficantes of Banned Books. Also, Firebrand Activist, Scholar Armando Navarro Remembered.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27
PROGRAM # 9605 12:00 PM PT

Librotraficantes of Banned Books.

When Arizona officials banned Mexican American Studies and literature, cultural activists from Texas responded by organizing a caravan of “librotraficantes” to smuggle books into Arizona. Ten years later this week, they remember the anniversary with rallies in several cities under the banner Librotraficante Caravan of Banned Books, and ask Texas officials: Is Mexican American history Critical Race Theory? And why did they kill a vote to make Mexican American history count toward high school graduation?

Guest: Tony Diaz, Writer, Community Activist, Professor, Leader of Librotraficante Movement, San Antonio, TX.

Firebrand Activist, Scholar Armando Navarro Remembered. Professor Armando Navarro, a prominent activist-scholar who led the anti-gerrymandering group Californios for Fair Representation in the 1980s, passed away. In one of his last conversations on Línea Abierta, Navarro talks about his convening of a Latino summit to respond to former President Trump threats on immigrants and on Mexico during his reelection campaign and his call for new leaders to replace the old guard of the Chicano movement.

Guest: (Archival Interview) Dr. Armando Navarro, Political Scientist, Professor Emeritus, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA.

Photo: Tony Diaz via Twitter

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