Aid in Dying Law. Also, Dia de los Muertos

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2.
PROGRAM # 7643 12:00 PM PT

Aid in Dying Law.

California Gov. Brown signed into law last month a landmark bill that would legalize physician-assisted death. California becomes the fifth state to allow medical aid in dying. Opponents are planning to circulate petitions for a referendum on the 2016 ballot. The New Mexico Supreme Court is considering a right-to-die issue and one case may soon go to the California Supreme Court. An advocate talks about the death-with-dignity law’s implementation process, the challenges ahead and the repercussions in other states.

Guest: Patricia González Portillo, Communications Director, Compassion and Choices, Los Angeles, CA.

Also, Dia de los Muertos. Mexican American singer and composer Lila Downs performs a first of its kind concert with the San Francisco Symphony to celebrate the Mexican tradition of Día de los Muertos. The artist comments on the tradition and the music she chose to remember the departed.

Guest: Lila Downs, Grammy-winning Singer and Composer, San Francisco, CA,

Photo: Death with Dignity National Center/Facebook

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