The First People’s View of Thanksgiving.

thursday-673x324_3On Native American Heritage Month, this program focuses on the current battle of Native American activists over the use of indigenous names and images in sports. Recently, an influential San Francisco newspaper stopped using the name “Redskins” to refer to the Washington, DC, football team, calling the name a racial slur, and a major city school government in California dropped the decades-old “Apache” high school mascot. In addition, as many in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving holiday with turkey and family time, many Native Americans in San Francisco, CA, call it “Un-Thanksgiving Day” and descend on Alcatraz Island to perform ceremonies of struggle and hope. Activists discuss these and other issues in this program, aired live on KIQI, San Francisco/Sacramento.

Guests: Sandra Romero, Member, Sacred Sites Protection And Rights of Indigenous Tribes, Santa Rosa, CA, ; Dr. José Cuellar, Professor Emeritus, Latin American and Latino/a Studies Department, City College of San Francisco, ; Tony Gonzales, Director, American Indian Movement-West, San Francisco, CA,

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