La Cuneta Son Machín.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18.
PROGRAM # 7721 12:00 PM PT

La Cuneta Son Machín.

The Nicaraguan ensemble La Cuneta Son Machín was nominated to the Grammy Awards, the musical industry’s highest honor, for their recent album, “Mondongo.” The band of young musicians fuses traditional chinamera music with folk humor as well as rock, ska, funk, hip-hop and other new musical styles. On the eve of the award ceremony, leading members of the band talk about their distinction by the US Grammys, their country, their new album and their own brand of music.

Guests: Carlos Guillén, “Frijol”, Singer and Composer, La Cuneta Son Machín, San Francisco, CA; Ernesto Carlos López, “Matute”, Drummer, La Cuneta son Machín, San Francisco, CA.


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