Trump Impeachment Trial. Also, Afro-Latino View on Black History Month.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10
PROGRAM # 9164 12:00 PM PST

Trump Impeachment Trial.

House impeachment managers present their case to the Senate in Day 2 of the second impeachment trial against Trump. Through speeches and videos, the managers said that the violent attack on Capitol Hill on Jan 6 to overturn the vote count was not accidental, but by design, and was incited by Trump Joaquin Castro, one of the House members prosecuting Trump, accused Trump of “dereliction of duty” and inciting the mob to acts of lynching against leaders of the congressional session. This program provides a news report on the first two days of the trial.

Guest: José López Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC.

Afro-Latino View on Black History Month. An education advocate provides an Afro-Latino perspective on Black History Month and highlights efforts in state legislatures to get the history of the people of color in the US represented in the public school curriculum. He also says that the nominee to lead the US Department of Education, Miguel Cardona, is breaking with the privatizing legacy of his predecessor and bringing an agenda of inclusion and equity. He says Cardona would have a special impact on issues in higher education, including student debt and college costs, access to community colleges, and on bridging the digital divide.

Guest: Steven Cruz, Communications Director and Spokesperson, Leadership of Education Equity, Founder, Steven Cruz Institute for Media, Science + Technology (SCI), Florida International University, Miami, FL.


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